FEIFER - výroba a prodej páskovačů a páskovacích a balicích strojů

since 1994
since 1994
15 000 customers from 30 countries worldwide
15 000 customers from 30 countries worldwide
ISO 9001
ISO 9001

16 x 0,5 mm - steel strap (blank, metallic lustre, ribbon)

ATTENTION: The weight of roll is only indicative. We charge real weight on removal from storage.

Technical parameters

Technical parameters

ordering code 700 000870
Balení 20 kg
strap - material steel
strap width 16 mm
strap thickness 0,5 mm
break Strength 5520 N
weight of roll 20 kg
inner diameter of roll 300 mm
kg/m conversion 15,9 m/kg
surface treatment blank

Standard modifications

Product videos

Soubory k produktu

Inquiry for the product: 16 x 0,5 mm - steel strap (blank, metallic lustre, ribbon)



Inquiry for the product: 16 x 0,5 mm - steel strap (blank, metallic lustre, ribbon)